


Landmark artikelen

Values and limitations of chest pain history in the evaluation of patients with suspected acute coronary syndromes, Clifforad J. Swap. Clinical review, JAMA 2005

Targeted temperature management at 33 degrees vs. 36 degrees after cardiac arrest. Nielsen 2013 NEJM

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Infarct localisatie I

Infarct localisatie II

Echo cor

Echo reference kaart

Acuut coronair syndroom

Evaluation and management of non -ST-segment elevation ACS in the Emergency department

The TIMI Risk score for UA/NSTEMI

HIgh sensitive trop T for early prediction.... CLin Chem. 2010

Improved diagnostic and prognostic performance of....hS trop t  Am Heart J 2011

  1. Clinical features of ACS

    1. Body R, Carley S, Wibberley C et al. The value of symptoms and signs in the emergent diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes. Resuscitation 2010;81(3):281-6.

    1. Goodacre S, Locker T, Morris F, Campbell S. How useful are clinical features in the diagnosis of acute, undifferentiated chest pain? Acad Emerg Med 2002;9(3):203-8.

    1. Values and limitations of chest pain history in the evaluation of patients with suspected acute coronary syndromes, Clifforad J. Swap. Clinical review, JAMA 2005

  2. ACS guidelines

    1. ERC guidelines

    1. ACC/AHA guidelines on ACS

    2. 2011 ACCF/AHA UA/NSTEMI Guideline focussed update

    1. ESC Guidelines for the management of ACS in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation, Eur Heart J (2011) 32, 2999–3054

  3. Risk stratification

    1. Antman EM, Cohen M, Bernink PJLM et al., The TIMI Risk Score for Unstable Angina/Non–ST Elevation MI: A Method for Prognostication and Therapeutic Decision Making, JAMA 2000;284(7):835-842

    1. Fox KA, Dabbous OH, Goldberg RJ et al, Prediction of risk of death and myocardial infarction in the six months after presentation with acute coronary syndrome: prospective multinational observational study (GRACE). BMJ 2006 Nov 25;333(7578):1091

  4. Definitive/provocative testing

    1. Blankstein R, Ahmed W, Bamberg F, Comparison of Exercise Treadmill Testing With Cardiac CT Angiography Among Patients Presenting To The Emergency Room With Chest Pain: ROMICAT Study. Circulation. 2012

    1. Hoffmann, Udo, Quynh A Truong, David A Schoenfeld, et al. 2012. Coronary CT angiography versus standard evaluation in acute chest pain. NEJM 367(4): 299–308.

    1. Commissie kwaliteit Nederlandse Vereniging voor Cardiologie en Sectie Cardiovasculaire radiologie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiologie, Kwaliteitsdocument Cardiale CT, februari 2012


R wave peak time

EMP wide complex tachycardia 2008 (ameican heart association 2010 update on AF)

life in the gast lane on adenosine in VT

Griffith criteria supvraventriculaire tachycardie met abberantie versus Ventrikel tachycardie, Lancet 1994

  1. VT & SVT, including ECG resources:

    1. Mattu A, Brady WJ. ECGs for the Emergency Physician. BMJ books; 2003. p. 1–172

    2. Life in the Fast Lane, VT vs SVT.

    3. Wellens HJJ, Ventricular tachycardia: diagnosis of broad QRS complex tachycardia, Heart 2001;86:579–585

    4. Bukkapatnam RN, Robinson M, Turnipseed S et al, Relationship of myocardial ischemia and injury to coronary artery disease in patients with supraventricular tachycardia. Am J Cardiol 2010 Aug. 1;106(3):374–7

    5. Carlberg DJ, Tsuchitani S, Barlotta KS, Brady WJ. Serum troponin testing in patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia: outcome after ED care. Am J Emerg Med 2011 Jun.;29(5):545–8

  2. Guidelines atrial fibrillation:

    1. NVVC, Nederlandse Richtlijnen Boezemfibrilleren, Guidelines in Cardiology 1999

    2. ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation, Eur Heart J 2010, doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehq278 Bosker HA, Van Dijkman PRM, Leidraad Cardiologie, 4e druk 2010, ISBN 978 90 313 8212 5

  3. Review article:

    1. Lip GYH, Tse H-F, Management of atrial fibrillation, Lancet 2007; 370: 604–18

    2. Rate vs rhythm control:

  4. Anticoagulation

    1. Gage BF, Waterman AD, Shannon W et al, Validation of clinical classification schemes for predicting stroke: Results from the National Registry of Atrial Fibrillation, JAMA 2001; 285: 2864-2870 (CHADS2)

  5. Dabigatran:

    1. Connolly, Dabigatran versus Warfarin in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation, NEJM 2009

    2. Intracranial Hemorrhage in Atrial Fibrillation Patients During Anticoagulation With Warfarin or Dabigatran: The RE-LY Trial, Stroke 2012

    3. American College of Chest Physicians (feb 2012) Antithrombotic therapy for atrial fibrillation: antithrombotic therapy and prevention of thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidlines


2016 ERC guidelins for the management of atrial fibrillation

2016 EMP Atrial fibrillarion, management strategies in the emergency department

2016 CAT Arvid Schight Etomidate vs Propofol for ECV

2001 de Paola: Int Journal of Cardiology Effectiveness and costst of chemical versus electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation.



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